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  • 100% Secure delivery without contacting the courier

Customer Service+61 (8) 624490249AM to 6PM. (Mon - Fri)

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Order Cancellation

We understand that unexpected events occur and we do our best to accommodate. If your circumstances are likely to change, please inform us as soon as possible. Your refund will depend on how close your order is to completion. Of course, if we have not begun working on your order, you are entitled to a complete refund.

Return Request:

  1. The deadline for all requests for refunds is seven calendar days from the delivery date. Lost shipments must be reported within 15 days from the ship out date.
  2. We will respond to all emails requesting refunds within one business day. An acknowledgement will be sent to you to confirm receipt.
  3. Do not dispatch any goods before approval by our team. We will send you an address for shipping. Please ensure that this address is copied correctly as errors leading to shipments going astray cannot be compensated for.
  4. CustomBoxline will not bear the shipping cost of the product being returned. This will be customer’s responsibility/liability.
  5. Please inform us promptly about any damages or losses sustained during shipping.
  6. An “Authorization Form” must be signed in order to start the investigation process and making arrangement for goods to return back to the factory warehouse.